
The Hambrook Family History Society is a not-for-profit organisation whose objectives are to promote research into the history of various Hambrook families, share Hambrook family history and genealogy with all interested members of the Society, and promote Hambrook family unity by sponsoring and encouraging gatherings and reunions.

The Hambrook Herald

The Hambrook Herald was the Society's quarterly journal and was issued in March, June, September, and December to members and institutional subscribers. Publication has been suspended while efforts are made to bring the Society's information and presence online.

Read a Herald

Life of a Hambrook

These are the people whose lives shaped our history. Their life stories connect all of our generations together.

Meet a Hambrook


A collection of photos relating to Hambrook Family history.

See Photos

The Society

Mr. Ken Aitken

The Hambrook Family History Society was started by Mr. Ken Aitken in 1979. He was the first editor of the Hambrook Herald, a newsletter he created to share stories about his ancestors and to connect with other interested family history researchers.

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Quotable Genealogy Quotes

Every book is a quotation; and every house is a quotation out of all forests, and mines, and stone quarries;
and every man is a quotation from all his ancestors.
– Ralph Waldo Emerson

Some family trees have beautiful leaves, and some have just a bunch of nuts.
Remember, it is the nuts that make the tree worth shaking.
– Unknown