The Hambrook Family History Society is a not-for-profit organisation whose objectives are to promote research into the history of various Hambrook families, share Hambrook family history and genealogy with all interested members of the Society, and promote Hambrook family unity by sponsoring and encouraging gatherings and reunions.

About the Hambrook Herald:

Hambrook Herald

The Hambrook Herald was a newsletter created by Mr. Ken Aitken to share stories about his ancestors and to connect with other interested family history researchers. It was the official publication of the Hambrook Family History Society, an organization he founded to facilitate research on all Hambrook family lines. First published in 1979, the Hambrook Herald has changed publication frequency but remained in circulation until the past couple of years. Although the role of editor has changed hands a number of times, the interest in both submitting articles to the Herald and paid subscriptions has remained, but has also steadily decreased. As the last official editor has now retired, leadership of the Hambrook Family History Society has been passed to the daughter of Mr. Ken Aitken. As such the decision was made in 2018 to move the Hambrook Family History Society and to make the archived copies of the Hambrook Herald online. Future editions of the Hambrook Herald as a print serial are at this time very unlikely (no current editor, lack of interested members); however, new information about Hambrooks and Hambrook family research will be added to this website.

As copies of the old Hambrook Heralds are digitized and transcribed, they will be posted online. Please note that any copyrighted material remains copyrighted as indicated in the original articles and publications. If you use material from the Hambrook Herald, please credit and site your sources accurately.